Little image bearer
Growing in the dark
Who should choose your fate?
While you are formed so perfectly
Within a woman’s womb,
Without there seems a choice to make,
To decide if there is room.
No money, no love, too young, too old
Circumstances don’t seem right.
To those who think they have to choose,
It seems a hopeless plight.
We know it’s really life,
Not just a blob of cells
We see the baby on the screen
Her fingers and her toes
We hear the heart beat at three weeks;
The beat that tells the truth.
So why, as if we’re God,
Do we even try to make excuse?
Why do we think the choice to kill
Will not come back and haunt?
It will. What could have been
Will over shadow every waking thought.
Little image bearer
Growing in the dark
Who will choose your fate?